Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Culprit

Sunday of General Conference I decided to make Stuffed Green Peppers for dinner. Yum!

Don't these look so good?

This meal was the culprit to a night of throwing up for the entire family (except Halle) only 2 days later. I realized why it made all of us sick. The following conversation took place Sunday night as I was finishing up making dinner.

Me: "Oh shoot, it calls for mozzarella cheese on the top. I don't think we have any."

Josh: "Yes we do. I saw some in the fridge the other day."

Me: "No, I think that's bad. Its' been in there forever."

Josh: (As he pulls it out the fridge and looks at the expiration date) "It expired in April but look there's no mold on it, I'm sure it's still fine. Go ahead and use it."

Me: (Being stupid and actually listening to him) "Isn't cheese basically processed mold anyway? Would any mold be on it if it were bad?."

Josh: "Just use it, we'll be fine!"

Just 2 days later, Chloee threw up 13 times. I was up with her the entire night. It hit Josh in the middle of the night as well. Let's just say that we did A LOT of laundry and ran out of sheets. Oh, the joys of absolute stupidness on my part. I should have known better.


Amy and Micheal said...

Does that mean Josh would've drank the milk that even Boyd poured down the sink? I'm so sorry that you all were so sick, Chloee especially, but at least you got lots of laundry done, right? I can just picture your guys' conversation. I love you two, you crack me up!!

Heather said...

Sorry to hear you guys were all sick! If it makes you feel any better, the pics of the green peppers looks amazingly tasty and I would probably even eat them now (knowing what happened) because you're a great cook! :-)