Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Ultimate Insult

I was at Kohl's a few weeks ago and I had Halle with me. While I was there I picked up this cute frame for Josh to put a picture of the girls on his desk at work. I realize that it is probably for twins but it doesn't matter, it's still cute and small enough for the space on his desk.

The following conversation occurred as the clerk, who was a girl, decided to just make my day...

Clerk: (as she is scanning my frame) "Oh, I see that you are pregnant with twins." (staring at my stomach all the while)

Me: "NO!" (while glaring at her and said it in a VERY rude voice)

Clerk: (as she pats my stomach) "Oh, just one in there then?"

Me: "NO! I am NOT pregnant, AT ALL!"

Clerk: "Oh." (said all nonchalantly and NEVER saying she was sorry)

Clerk: (talking to Halle) "Hey little buddy! Can you wiggle your little toes for me buddy?"

Me: "She's a girl!"

Clerk: "Are you kidding me? I never would have guessed she was a girl, never would have guessed! Wow!"

Me: "She's wearing pink!"

Clerk: "So, boys wear pink all the time!"

Me: "You are a stupid idiot and you shouldn't even have a job. (Insert expletives here)."
*OK, I didn't say that but I wish I had*

So... to sum it up. I got told that I am so fat that I look like I'm pregnant with twins. That's the first big blow. On comes the second when I tell her NO and then she proceeds to comment on the fact that there must just be one in there then. As if she hadn't insulted me enough, she decided to tell me that my child looked just like a boy and that even though she was in pink, she STILL never would have guessed that Halle was a girl. *A little side note here: If your girl is not wearing a bow the size of Jupiter, naturally everyone assumes your child is a boy. That's a whole post all by itself!*

The kind of day I was having was quite a rough one. I was in one of those moods where I was either going to hit and swear at her or I was going to go out to the parking lot and cry. Considering that I wasn't really in the mood to be hauled off to jail, I went with option number 2 and did some crying. Looking back, I wish I would have just popped her one right in the face. Come on, I could take a few days of jail... right? Of course I can! If I can live through childhood with Amy beating the ever living snot out of me everyday, I can take anything! Love you Ames!


Mandy said...

People are such idiots! You should have hit her, or at least thrown one of those $5 stuffed animals they always have by the counter at her. Or you could have least I can lose weight honey, your ugly face can't be fixed. Something petty and stupid like that might have made you feel better! :)
Don't waste your tears on stupid Kohls workers! :)

Shaun and Lisa said...

Wow! That person should definitely not have a job in customer service. I would totally call and complain and get them fired-that would teach them. And I hate the fact that if your girl doesn't have the huge bow in her hair then she is assumed a boy, but at least most people I've come in contact with at least have the decency to ask if its a boy or girl before assuming and then making a rude comment. What a loser they were!

Anonymous said...

it seems as though a lot of people think Melanie is a boy too! You would think they could tell it's a girl when you tell them the NAME of the child! I never put bows in her hair anymore cause she always pulls them off... In between having Seth & Melanie I was asked on 3 different occasions if I was pregnant.....NO I WAS NOT!!! As far as I'm concerned no one should EVER ask that! I don't ask anyone that anymore, even if I'm sure that they are.....that is the worst thing someone could ever ask. People should just mind their own bees wax!

Amy and Micheal said...

Did you get her name? I'll go over there and give her the beating of a lifetime.... within an inch of her life!! How dare she say such idiotic hurtful things to my sistah, and not even apologize. I'll bury her....better, I can just call on Micheal to haunt her or something. And Halle so does not look like a boy!! Just cause she doesn't wear elephant sized flowers on her head doesn't make her a boy. And who would dress a baby boy in pink?! Seriously, what a hag! And no brain-to-mouth filter in place either!

The Over Family said...

Holy Cow! How could that girl be such an idiot?! You always have crazy experiences to blog about, but this one tops them all! I can't believe that woman! And your daughter is adorable -- she is obviously a beautiful girl...who knows what that lady was thinking. You're pretty tough for not punching her lights out!

Heather said...

WTF? I'm at a loss for words, but all I can say is that if I ever meet this cashier, I'll punch her for you (and I'm not even a violent person!)

Ryan & Amber said...

I am sorry you had one of those days. I would have punched her. Haha. I have had that happen to me a couple times. I forget to suck in and then I see the person talking to me look at my stomach and I just wait for the awful question. At least you have an excuse. You just had a baby and my baby is five!

Marcus said...

That lady should be fired. What a terrible day. Hey it will make a great story to tell your grandkids someday.
Love Annie

Jen Duke said...

Wow. You should write in and get some free coupons or something. You so don't look pregnant. Seriously, what is someone like that doing where conversing is required?!