Monday, March 8, 2010

Sucking The Poison

You know that good old saying, "Suck all the poison out of your life"? To truly be happy you must suck all of the poison out of your life. First you need to seek out what the poison is. Some poisons are bad habits, flaws, people, many, many, many different things. What if the poison in your life is something you can't rid of? What if it's nothing you have any control over? What if it's something that will always be there? How do you suck out the poison at that point? It's almost like you can't suck the poison out, all you can do is suck in the poison because it will never go away, no matter what you do to try and change that. It's like you're trying to suck it out but instead of spitting it out once you've sucked it from your body, you swallow because you know the poison can never truly go away. You can't even try and spit it out because it will always be in your life.

At this point what do you do? You've tried to turn the poison into lemonade but the lemonade is only made out of sour lemons that make you hurl. You do everything you are capable of to try and make the poison a part of your life cause you know it's not going anywhere. Despite your efforts, the poison just drags you down and poisons you... duh, it's poison. It's not healthy to have in your life, but it sure as hell isn't going anywhere. You try to think of a way to love poison and you try it, but then you realize that there's no way anyone can LOVE poison, it's poison for hell's sake.

Do you find a way to live with the poison? No it's not possible. Yeah, sure you've been living with the poison up till now and you're not dead. That's the beauty of the poison, sometimes it's watered down and sometimes it's at its full concentration and you really never know which one you're going to get. Watered down poison just slowly takes you down and you don't realize that it's destroying everything about you because it's done in small steps. Although, on the other hand, sometimes and most of the time, you get the full concentrated dose of poison and it takes you down in bigger blows. Instead of being kicked in the shin, you take a huge blow to the face! Sometimes the poison seems like it's harmless and sometimes it just makes you feel like you're a third class citizen. The poison knows what it's doing. It's not harmless and it knows that but sometimes it tries to mask itself into looking like lemonade, not poison.

Can happiness and poison coexist in one's body?