Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sweet Love...

Today as I was getting Chloee ready for church, I was looking at her and realized just how beautiful she is. I was taking the curlers out of her hair that she had begged me to put in. She stood there with those big brown eyes and smiled at me. I gave her a big hug and our conversation went as follows:

Me: "Chloee, I wouldn't trade you for anything in the whole world!"

Chloee: "And Mom, I wouldn't sell you for anything in the whole world!"

I just had to laugh. Oh and did I mention that I hate it when we have to change time? I hate it, whether it's in March or October. I mostly hate trying to get the girls back on schedule. It just screws up everything.


Amy and Micheal said...

Nice to know Chloee wouldn't sell you to make a quick buck... but what if someone offered her candy??? That might be a different story, no? jk She is so funny!