Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Funny Story

Last week I was having a conversation on the phone with my mother-in-law and we were just chitty chattin about things and she had mentioned that she had to make some cookies that night for a friend.

Let me explain a couple of things about Kathy. First, she makes things from scratch, she is very passionate about chocolate and dessert is NEVER store bought. Second, she wakes up at 3:30 am to work out, so she is usually pretty tired come 8:00 pm.

Here is the texting conversation:

Kathy: (about 7:30 pm): Can you believe that I am 2 tired 2 make cookies?

Kimberlee: You can't lower your standards and buy them, you have to make them from scratch. You will ruin all that you stand for, and definitely make me think less of you! :)

What Kathy gets from Kimberlee: f you! :)

What Kimberlee gets from Kathy (who was forwarding what I sent her): f you! :)

Kathy: Did you see what you wrote me?

I check my sent messages and everything looked fine. I didn't think she'd be so upset about my little teasing episode about her principles and all that she stands for.

To sum it up, she thought I said f you and I thought she said f you to me. Here's how the confusion was made. When I wrote my text, it went into 2 different texts and just miraculously cut off on the "of you" and kept the o on the first text resulting in the second one just saying, f you! :) Can you believe that? Luckily she called me after she got the first part of the text and realized what has going on. We had a good laugh about us both thinking the other was ridiculously mad at us.

Just thought I'd share, I laughed for days about this. Sorry if you can't follow the mess that I just tried to explain. It was just too funny not to share! Good thing Kathy has a great sense of humor, that could have been ugly!


Anonymous said...

How funny! Good thing you guys talked about it right away, just imagine if it was kept all bottled up.....and also, good thing it wasn't all spelled out :) That is a great idea about getting Seth's sad clown picture in black and white and framing it, I think I will try just that! Also about the poem, yeah I made it up, I was hoping it didn't sound too cheesy. Glad you like it. I love your blog!