Sunday, June 13, 2010

Madd Mom at Movies

At the end of the school year I purchased a summer movie pass from the school. It was $12 a pass and every week they play a different movie during the day at the local theater. My friend and I got them so that we could take our kids together. They are all movies that have already been out on DVD for a while but it's fun for the kids.

I made the big mistake of taking Halle. I was out within 10 minutes and she didn't want to do anything but scream and be held for the next 80 minutes as I waited for the movie to get out. It was awful. I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER do that again.

Chloee went the next week with my friend and her kids while I stayed home with Halle. My child wants to be into everything and destroying whatever she can. She wants to be adventurous not just sitting on some stupid chair watching a movie. Some kids at very young ages are enticed by the TV and love watching movies. My child wants to spend every waking moment outside, not contained in some movie theater.

Chloee getting ready to go to the movies with my friend. She packs her treat bag and has to wear her sunglasses to be cool! When did she grow up?


Anonymous said...

The second pic of Chloee looks just like you Kim :) She is so cute. My mom bought tickets for me, Seth & my bro Jake to go see the new "Karate Kid." I got a babysitter for Melanie & was so glad I did. That movie is SO good!!

Jen Duke said...

Holy smokes that last picture of Chloee looks just like you! How cute! That movie idea is fabulous- I bet the kids love it!

Jen Duke said...

Holy smokes that last picture of Chloee looks just like you! How cute! That movie idea is fabulous- I bet the kids love it!

Marcus said...

Sierra was the same way at that age. Couldn't get her to hold still. She's better now. There's still hope. Our theatres do the summer movies for mom's on a special day for free. Too bad you had to pay and had a bad experience. Yesterday Sierra was asking when she got to see her cousins again. She misses hanging out.

Love Annie

Amy and Micheal said...

What a stylish little gal! She does look so much like you! Gotta love that age when no thing can entertain your child. I'm excited to go with you sometime before school starts!