Friday, June 11, 2010

She's Got A Shoe Fetish

Halle has a total shoe fetish. I think that is mainly because she associates shoes with outside and seeing as how that is ALL she EVER thinks about, shoes never really leave her mind either. She has these cute little flip flops from Old Navy that she wears all day. They are the ones in the big picture at the top of my blog.

I decided that she needs more than just one pair of shoes so I went to Payless yesterday. They are doing their BOGO 1/2 off.

She was like a crazy animal in the store. If she were a dog, she would have been foaming at the mouth. She handed me every single shoe and said, "Shuuuu" and then proceeded to sit on my lap and wanted me to put them all on for her. It was like the girl was in her own personal heaven.

I found these adorable pink Champion ones. They are so cute on her. I always have to buy the ones that are wide, that girl's feet are massive!

I also got her some cute church shoes. The only thing she has is a pair of dirty old grungy ones that were Chloee's. I love how you can see the lace on the top.

I got them both for a killer deal. The pink ones were originally $12.99 and I told the saleswoman that I had seen the exact same ones online for $9 and asked her if I could get them for the same price. I guess they will honor it if you bring in a printout of the shoe on the website and the price. I didn't have that but she honored it anyway. Then the dress shoes were normally $14.99 but on sale for $7 and with the BOGO, I got them for $3.50. My entire purchase at full price would have been $28 but it came to $12.50, YEA!

Halle wore the pink ones out of the store. I basically had to pry them off of her just to pay for them. That girl and her shoes!


Anonymous said...

I love baby shoes, they are both SO cute!!

Amy and Micheal said...

Her feet in those white ones just make me giggle. I love how fat her little feet are! They look adorable on her, and who doesn't love a steal of a deal?