Thursday, June 10, 2010

Reverent Halle

We say a prayer at every meal. Halle has FINALLY caught on to folding her arms. I swear I've been working on that one with her for a while. Well, it paid off just a few days ago when we were saying the prayer and I peeked (I know, I know) and she had folded her arms. I almost burst, I was so excited.

She does it all the time. We were outside today and I told Chloee she needed to stop screaming and be quiet and Halle folded her arms.

Yeah, I don't really know what this face is all about but I love it and thought I'd share.


Amy and Micheal said...

Watching that little chica fold her arms is the cutest thing ever! She is so adorable and I love how reverent she gets when we say prayers. I also think it's hilarious when the kids inform us after that she had her eyes open the entire time. Really? And how did you guys know that? :)