Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

We went up to my parents' house on Sunday, September 11th. We decided it would be fun to all get together and remember Micheal. We had the usual dutch oven dinner with dad's potatoes, the ones we used to have when Micheal was still alive and we'd all get together every Sunday. Good times.

My dad bought this cow at a ward fundraising auction for the grandkids, but specifically Halle.

He was trying to get her all riled up. It worked.

Amy and I bounced the kids on the tramp for quite a while. They loved it and yeah I wet my pants. I guess that's what happens when you have a sister who used to punch your bladder til you wet your pants and after having 2 kids. No control.

That's Josh's yummy apple pie in the middle there.

Chloee totally tackled Matt!

Josh was trying to do this weird collar bone thing on Amy. Backfired! It creeps me out and makes me want to shutter and it didn't even phase her, not one bit.

Jordan is laying out the rules of the football game about to go down.

My fabulous mom and dad.

Of course Halle is laying on Amy and enjoying her snuggling time.

The girls.

Kennet is holding his tooth in this cup. He teeth kind of look like he has blood all over them but I'm pretty darn sure that it's kool-aid.

I cannot get enough of Halle's chub. I love when I can see her fat thighs. This picture may make me seem like a weird creep but I love to pinch her.

My dad got a fire pit for his birthday. We put it to good use that night as we made s'mores.

I love those BIG brown eyes.

Why can't both of us EVER look normal?

Halle stepped in a roasted marshmallow and Amy was on the way back in the house to help clean her off.

It was a fabulous day. I am so grateful for all of the men and women who have given their lives and their service for our country, especially after 9/11. I am so grateful for a fabulous brother, Micheal, who gave his life and left behind my sweet sister, Amy, and their 2 boys.
Thank you.


Amy and Micheal said...

Oh the Hallsies!! I love it when she snuggles up on me!!! She is so stinkin cute! I can't stop laughing at my face on that picture of Josh trying to do that thing to my neck. I love when you guys come up and we get to spend Sundays together like we always used to. Can't wait for you guys to get up here!!