Monday, September 8, 2008

The State Fair

We went to the state fair last Thursday. It was the first day opening so it is only $2 for adults and kids are free! How cool is that? Thanks for inviting us Stacie! The above picture is an ACTUAL sign that was all around the tiger cage. I don't know why that was so funny to me but I couldn't stop laughing about it!

Chloee and Chandler had so much fun together. It was cute to see Chloee chase Chandler around and want to do everything the same as him. Ok, it wasn't so fun when she wanted the same sword he got. They were so cute together.

Rhyder just hung out in his stroller, other than the above picture when he tried to escape. He actually wiggled his way all the way out of the stroller. Crazy kid!

This was the cutest thing I have ever seen. One of the FFA groups put this together and it's free. The kids get to go work on a farm and do chores. Here they are putting on their aprons and getting their baskets to go be hard at work.

In this one they put corn in a bag and got it ready for the next little station

In the next one, they fed the cow their corn and then got to "milk" the cow and picked up a milk container on their way out. This picture kind of stinks but I still had to put it on.

They picked out a "seed", which was a coin shaped wood chip with a picture of a vegetable on it. Chloee picked a carrot.

She dug a hole and planted it under the "carrots" sign.

On the other side was where they got to get the vegetables they had "planted".

They "bailed" hay here and put it in the back of these cute little John Deere tricycles which they rode around a circle and went onto the next station.

They got some wool out of a bag and got to brush the sheep that was on display.

Picked up an egg.

Yes, future FFA kids right here!

This is where they put away all of the items in their basket. Hard work for a little kid, right?

She got to take her dollar and pick one thing at the "General Store". She picked a package of cookies. The kids loved it!

Here she is after she got her treat. She is standing next to a measuring table that says how many horse hooves tall you are!

We had so much fun. We bought some pizza from The Pie and had a caramel apple. No fair is complete without a caramel apple. We also went and saw the animals. Seriously, there was this one pig that was HUGE, it could have passed as a horse, I swear! The bunnies were cute but that was short lived. You have got to love the smell of the animals, especially when you're pregnant.


Amy and Micheal said...

She is ALL you in those pictures, Kim!! It's like looking at you 22 years ago, I swear! What a cutie, planting veggies and helping out round the farm. When she is FFA president, make sure she remembers her dear Auntie Amy. I could always use milk and veggies. I am so glad you guys had a ton of fun! I love the fairs, a favorite memory of fall. Remember going in all our youngster years? Good times!

Krysta said...

That umbrella sign was pretty funny! You don't want to scare the tigers...:)

Stacie Peterson said...

That was so much fun! Those pictures are so cute. You'll have to give me the one of Rhyder close up and of Chan and Chlo by the bear those are hilarious. I am so glad you came I never thought you would, I had tons of fun with you guys! said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Isn't it great that the cousins are such good friends?! I love it.