Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Exercise Queen

The other day I was working out to a Jillian Michaels DVD. Chloee wanted to do weights with me. She is so cute. I was doing 5 lbs and she wanted the 3 lbs. I know heavy for a kid but she was totally whooping my butt. Sadly, I am not joking. Notice how her tongue is sticking out as she works through the pain... ah!

I was such a wuss and started to die with the 5 pounders so I gave her this infant formula bottle that we got from the hospital so that I could use the 3 pound weights. She says to me, "Mom, give me the 5 pound weights, I'm not even getting a workout with this bottle, maybe you should use it!" Any amount of dignity I did have, was completely smothered by my "Hulk" of a daughter.

Yeah, at least I can admit that I am a total loser and that my daughter put me to shame. It was so cute to see her with these weights. She actually finished the DVD and I bowed out after about 30 minutes. Ahwww, the energy and strength of a 3 year old. Wow, I'm such a wuss!


Amy and Micheal said...

Look at those muscles!!! Wow, she looks great. Don't worry, my kids put me to shame, too, when I work out. At least they even try to work out. I don't even get the DVD out. Chloee is so cute with her concentration and determination. She can work out for both of us! I'll employ her.

Heather said...

Don't you wish you could put all that three-year-old energy into an fabulous fruity energy elixir? You would make MILLIONS! Anyway, cute pics and awesome you can exercise together. :-)

Renae Williams said...

That little Chloee is a strong, strong girl. I love the expressions on her face as she lifts the weights and exercises. She's a trooper! Don't you wish we had the energy to keep up with them? said...

That's hilarious and so cute!