Monday, April 26, 2010

Josh's Birthday!!!

Josh turned 29 today! Yea! I decided to do a countdown for his birthday. It started just a week before the big day. I would put up a sign on the garage man door into the house and it would have some sort of a rhyme (lame) to hint towards what the surprise was for that day. I ended up taking a picture of them all. Usually, it was last minute and some of them are so stupid, it's not even funny. Ok, a lot of them are inside jokes that hardly anyone would get, so I'm sure you'll read these and not remotely understand what they really mean. I had fun doing it.

Sweet & Sour Chicken from Lucky China, his favorite Chinese restaurant.

Day 2
Strawberry and blueberry flavored syrups. They are his favorite.

Day 3
His favorite sandwich of all time.
The Italian Night Club from Jimmy John's.

Day 4
A big pack of Dr. Pepper.
(Chloee put this one on the door too. She told me that it was her "little note" to dad.)

Day 5
Lindt chocolate, Extra Dark. Some of this favorite chocolate.

Day 6
Almond Joys and Mounds mini candy bars.

Day 7

Me and the girls decorated for dad's big day.
Of course, the girls loved the balloons all too much. I think half of them were popped before Josh even got home from work.

We had fun decorating the house. How could the girls not absolutely love it, they love being destructive. They kept unraveling the crepe paper all over the house, popping balloons and ripping the Happy Birthday signs. I swear, what one doesn't think of, the other one will.

See what I mean...
"What? Me, I'm so innocent!"

"Hmmm... I wonder if I unload this whole cupboard, if I can somehow convince mom that it was Chloee. Of course I can, I'll just make the sad face at her and then point to Chloee. Mwahahaha!!!"

Josh opening his presents. Chloee helped me wrap them.

Josh changed Jobs about a month ago. He now designs things for John Deere among other things. I thought this tractor was very fitting. It took forever, I think about 2 hours and my hands still hurt from holding the stupid bag of frosting while trying to concentrate on doing the frosting right.

Chloee's favorite part of birthdays is the cake. She is obsessed with the candles and the "fire". Ok, no one can be as obsessed as Amy's son, Kennet, but she comes in a close second.
He seriously blew out 29 candles with ease. Awesome Job, Josh!

Dad loves his girls!!!

Halle enjoyed her cake all too well. I just love that little face!

Josh's driver's license had to be renewed today. He left work a little early to do that. Amy was at my mom's on Sunday and slept there. She stopped by on her way home and helped take care of the kids while I finished the cake. She was a great help, especially when the frosting bag exploded and there was black frosting all over the cake and I swear I was going to start crying. I made her pull it off cause I was ready to puke thinking that the cake was ruined. She did a fine job of reviving it. We all went out to IHOP for dinner and laughed so hard about Josh's instant potatoes and Amy's hollandaise sauce that was from a packet. Oh, we didn't feel so hot when we left. For every entree you buy, the kids get a little entree free. It was fun but that IHOP was a total hole.


Renae Williams said...

Love the picture of the two girls when Chloee looks so innocent and Halle looks so menacing and sneaky! The decorations look fun and that cake is amazing. Happy Birthday, Josh, you old man--29! Where has the time gone? Kimberlee, what a cute idea with the countdown. You are so creative.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the IHOP we ate at last (it's location), but we came away from it not caring for the food either. We don't eat there anymore, we like Village Inn better. Looks like Josh had a great birthday! I like the count down idea :)

The Over Family said...

Awesome count-down idea! And your cake looks amazing! How in the world did you do that?! The Williams sisters are incredibly talented! :)

Hope said...

Happy Birthday Josh! That was a cute countdown idea, I might steal it from you. We're still deciding if we're coming up for the 4th but I will call you or email you if we do! It's been way to long!

Marcus said...

The cake looks Awesome!!! Wow that would have taken so long. The poems were cool too what a good idea. Glad Josh had a nice day.

Love Annie and the fam

Bob and Marie said...

Happy birthday Josh!!! Hope it was great. You're almost as old as me. Kim, what a fun idea for the countdown. It was also fun to read about some of his favorite things. Hope you guys are doing well!

Amy and Micheal said...

Don't worry, in 6 months I'll be caught up to him. Then, when we turn 30, I'll be grateful that I'm the younger one!! Ha ha ha! Kim, that looks AMAZING! You did such a great job! Thanks to me, 'the emergency frosting blob remover technician', right? Happy Birthday Josh!! We love you tons! And the countdown was so cute and very creative rhyming, I love it!!!

Heather said...

You're such a sweet wife! And creative to boot! Love the idea of the gift days and the cake turned out AMAZING! You are so stinkin' talented!

P.S. Happy Birthday to Josh! Hope you guys are doing great!