Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Uses Of Adversity

I just finished this book, The Uses of Adversity by Carlfred Broderick. It is Amy's book, she let me borrow it. It is a small, short book which makes for an easy read. Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed with a big book. We start the book and then think that we'll never have enough time to finish it and then we don't. It was bout 60 pages with big print. It was an amazing book and I got a lot out of it in just those few short pages. This is definitely a book I'd recommend. On the back of his book is a quote.

"The gospel of Jesus Christ is not insurance against pain. It is resource in event of pain."
-Carlfred Broderick


Amy and Micheal said...

I still think it's weird that it just "showed up" one day while I was dejunking the kids' room (since they need a place to sleep and all) and there it was! I started to read it and finished right there, never having moved at all. I loved it and I'm so glad you did, too. We need to find more stuff by him!