Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Accident Prone + Klutz = My Chloee

Chloee is a klutz. Period. She trips over the air and she falls on a whim for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Amy's son, Kennet, is the exact same way.... so the 2 of them together is truly a natural disaster waiting to happen.

I was late getting Chloee to preschool a few weeks ago. She got out of the car and went running to go inside when WHAM... she slams her face on the corner of the brick of her teacher's house. At first, I heard her screaming and I went over there to yell at her about never watching where she is going and when I turned her over, she had blood dripping down her face.

It will be amazing if that girl makes it to her 5th birthday without a broken bone. Honestly, I'm surprised she has gone this long without a broken bone or stitches of some sort.


Amy and Micheal said...

Poor Chloee! It's even worse when we get her and Kennet together. The world doesn't stand a chance, then. Especially not train conductors kneecaps at Lagoon. That will always make me laugh. They are a couple of klutzes in a pod aren't they?