Friday, October 22, 2010

West Point Carnival

The week before Halloween, our city did a carnival, it was put on by the youth council. It was kind of crazy. I was up at my mom's that Friday and we hurried home to be there by 7. We were going with my friend Melissa. She told me to drop off Chloee and she'd get her ready while I got Halle ready. She put Chloee in a cheerleader costume. Besides the fact that I hate cheerleaders, Chloee did look adorable.

A more full length of her costume. They had a haunted house, pumpkin walk, fish pond, a pirate and lots and lots of candy!

I was in such a hurry to get Hal ready that I didn't even change her shirt. I know the red and pink clash, oh well.

My friend Melissa could not be a funner person. She totally dressed up for this and she looks great, if I do say so myself. I guess she's a cross between a fat, old man, a trucker and someone who got some bad genetics when it comes to their face. Either way, she's a good sport.


Amy and Micheal said...

Chloee looks so old in that first pic! She is such a cutie! I think the red and pink look great together. Halle is just accessorizing. Oh Melissa! That is the funniest looking costume!

Sorry I kept you at mom's longer than you planned. It was great to see you!