Friday, February 15, 2008

Daily Events

Yesterday Chloee decided that she needed to find all the gum in the house and shred it to pieces. This is what I found on the table after using the restroom. Nice, don't you think? There were more piles spread throughout the house. I think she used about 7 packs of gum.

This girl loves her Froot Loops!

And she loves to feed herself, NO HELP. Period. I don't even try anymore. I just know that when she's done, she will be covered in milk.

Today she was mad and took the whole bowl, milk and all, and dumped it all over the kitchen floor. Oh, got to love sticky floors. Oh and today she thought it would be funny to poop in the bathtub. What am I raising, a monkey?

Her daily events change but without a doubt everyday there is something else that made the floor sticky, a towel ruined, a shirt ruined and SHOUT is being used to scrub her clothes. It is neat to see her personality develop but it is scary when she gets that 'Look' in her eye or when it gets really quite.


Heather said...

You're going to think I'm silly, but reading about all your adventures with Chloee (even the hard ones) make me want to have kids. :-)

P.S. I love the pic where Chloee is smiling with her bowl of Fruit Loops. So CUTE!

Amy and Micheal said...

That middle picture of Chloee eating her fruit loops looks JUST like you, especially at that age!!!! I love that little grin of hers! Oh and I hear you about the gum. Kennet sneaks into my purse, eats 6 sticks and then I find it shoved in the couch a couple days later! Yuck!