Friday, February 8, 2008

The Men in Georgia

Josh went out of town this week for work to Georgia. Micheal, Amy's husband is in Georgia at Basic Training for the Army so us girls got together this week and partied. Ok, so our dad wasn't in Georgia but the majority of the hubby's were. While the cats are away, the mice will play... and that is just what we did.

We did pedicures. Alright, our version. We soaked our feet in a massager and then went to town on our toes. Amy supplied some cute colors and the little stickers too. It was fun to do together. Left to right: Amy, Me and Mom.

Chloee saw what all of the "girls" were doing and insisted that she have the same but on one condition. Only "Mamy" could do it. That was Amy for all of you that don't know my daughter's language.

She is such a little girlie girl. She wanted to pick the color and let Amy do the fingers and toes that only she decided wanted to be done. That doesn't sound like my opinionated daughter now does it?

One cute picture of Amy and Chloee. At first when I look at it, I think that Amy is me. No compliment to Amy but definitely to me!

Poor Kennet! Chloee was so mean to him the ENTIRE time we were there. They really don't get along, mainly because they have the EXACT same personality. My little one was the only one to blame this time. Kennet would just be watching TV and she'd run up to him (when she thought no one was watching) and would claw at his face. It is amazing that Amy is still so sweet to Chloee after the way she treated Kennet.

Everyone but me went out and played in the snow. Grandma pulled Chloee around on the sled and took her down the hill and she loved it. The snow was so deep that the kids couldn't get around outside. Needless to say, it didn't last long.

Grandma and the Chlo!

What can I say.... other than, this girl loves her boots! She wants to wear them ALL day and preferably without any clothes! I had to throw it in.


Amy and Micheal said...

That was so much fun, doing our pedicures, playing in the snow, playing referees with Kennet and Chloee. I think our toes look pretty snazzy and so does Chloee in her little boot/diaper ensemble!! What a ham!

Jenny said...

Wow, sounds like some fun :) How interesting to watch two people (so young and honest) who don't get along, must be some great, but maybe sometimes frustrating entertainment :)

Heather said...

Your posts are so awesome! What a cool, "week in the life". Glad you made good use of the time while the guys are/were away. You and your sister are both so gorgeous!

P.S. Chloee's boots are the BEST!