Thursday, October 9, 2008

But, of course...

I did a load of whites the other day. I was a little behind on the laundry. I try to do them every Tuesday but somehow last week, I missed the whites. Josh was in desperate need for them so I threw them in and went on my merry way. NORMALLY, Josh is so great about always checking his pants pockets, everything, before he puts anything in the hamper but I always double check to make sure there are no pens, important papers, etc.

To my surprise, as I went to change the load to the dryer, there sat a black pen on top of the white load. What? How? Where did it come from? As I sifted through the "damaged" clothes, I thought, these are all whites, where could that pen have come from? Then a light came on. After the priesthood session, we went straight to the grocery store. I gave him "that" pen to cross off his list and it must have still been in the pocket of his white dress shirt. Ohhh ,the fury! Need you not worry, you know, as Josh pointed out, it is my fault, it was "my" pen! Zero responsibility on his part. My fault, it was probably my fault for doing the whites for him too!** After we had a nice feud over it, we both laughed about how it ruined everything that was NEW. My new shirt, all of his "newest" garments, white shirts, but left the old, dirty, disgusting ones UNTOUCHED. Of course it did!

Anyone know how to get ink out of clothes? I have read hairspray, but I must be doing something wrong, it's not working yet. Blah! If anyone has any secrets, please include me so that I can attempt to salvage some of these clothes!

**He says he was kidding about blaming it on me! I don't believe it though. :)


The Johnson's said...

I heard it has to be aerosol hairspray--also try Greased Lightening it gets every out, I swear by it!

Amy and Micheal said...

Oh, so sorry, that stinks!! I heard hairspray as well...but we haven't had the ink problem yet. We did however accidentally melt a crayon in the dryer with all our brand NEW whites when we'd been married a few weeks. So they were spankin' new garments. It was a brown (BROWN!!) crayon Micheal had kifed home from the nursery and left in his pocket. I can't even remember what we did with them...... Hmmm, I wonder...

That brown looked REAl good on the bottom portion of our garments.