Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Story Time

Every night when Chloee is getting ready to go to bed, Josh reads to her. She sits on his lap in the rocking chair in her room, with the lamp on as he reads. An every night favorite is The 3 Little Pigs. My mom gave Chloee a book called, The Big Book of Fairy and Folk Tales. She loves it. Like I said before, she especially loves The 3 Little Pigs and you would too if you could hear Josh's version of it. When I'm downstairs, I can hear him in her room voicing the part of the "big bad wolf", or his high pitched voice that comes along with the "not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin" retorted by the pigs. Now that is entertainment, actually it is quite comical. Some of the other favorites (for now) are The Berenstain Bears and The Sitter, or as she calls the book, Ms. Grizzle and The Berenstain Bears and The Messy Room, which is referred to as just "Messy Room".

Once Josh has read her about 3 stories, she gets in her crib and Josh reads her The Hobbit. She falls asleep to his voice. Josh wanted to read it again anyway so he figured this was a great opportunity for him. Sometimes she cries about it and doesn't want to go to sleep but for the most part she will lay down and fall asleep as he reads. She would go around telling people, "My Daddy read me Hobbit". Well, they just finished The Hobbit tonight and on comes something new. She can't decide between Star Wars XXVI... I don't know, some number that no one else has ever heard of or The Wizard of Oz.

I am so grateful for a husband who wants to be involved in his kids' lives and very much is. I am grateful for him not being afraid to act weird around her and do cute, fun voices that make her laugh. Most of all, I'm grateful that he takes the time every night to sit down and read with her, just the two of them. She loves it and LIVES for her time with Daddy at night.


Amy and Micheal said...

I think that is so adorable that Josh reads to her every night. What a great Daddy! My boys probably sure wish they had something better than Mom tossing them in bed without story time, or brushing teeth, pr pajamas... because, once again, she is soooo tired! I'll have to make that a new goal. You are my inspiration, Josh!!!

Think my boys would fall asleep if I read about vampires to them? :)

Karen said...

Wow, that IS the sweetest. I love that he's reading her stories like "The Hobbit" and total chapter books. I think we underestimate what our kids can handle. Also, loved your post before about the potty incident. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that gets so exhausted that I can't possible take any more...and then inevitably something worse happens. Love "those days"!

Bob and Marie said...

I think you definitely have a rare one there in that Josh. A great cook and a dad who will read stories..and act them out. Wow! What a catch. You guys are such a cute family. That's a pretty awesome start to literature..being read the Hobbit in the crib! Wow!

Heather said...

Josh is such a great dad! My friend was telling me that kids do so much better in school when their dad reads to them (I guess there is some research out there). As if Chloee isn't smart enough. :-) :-) :-) Cute story and great photos!