Monday, January 28, 2008

Gordon B. Hinckley

I just wanted to post a little something in remembrance of our dear, sweet prophet. He was put in to lead our church in 1995 and did an excellent job. As Josh and I were talking and crying about it last night, we commented on how it feels like we lost a grandpa. Even though neither of us had ever met him, he had such a down to earth, human side to him, which made him easy to relate to.

Now he can be with his wife and with so many other people in Heaven. I am sure that it was a glorious and wonderful day for both him and our dear Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ. If we could all be a little bit more like President Hinckley.



Heather said...

Wasn't it such a surprise? I cried too and am still processing it. I love your post and what you said about him being like a Grandpa totally clicks with me. Thanks for your insight!

Amy and Micheal said...

Perfect sentiments, Kim! He was such a great prophet and man. Thanks for your touching post!