Friday, January 4, 2008

Paris Hilton's Little Sister...

In one of the previous posts of my sister, Amy, she told a "stupid" moment story of herself, thus calling herself, Paris Hilton. Well then, since I am Amy's little sister, you can now call me Paris Hilton's little sister. Now in my defense, I was so tired from moving for 3 days and I was running on pretty much NO sleep.

This is a nice picture of the fridge at our new house. I was so excited because it had a lock on it. Yeah, now Chloee can't push the water and ice button all day. I kept trying to lock it but no matter how many times I locked it, the water and ice still came out. I was so mad, "you've got to be kidding me, I have a stupid faulty fridge that doesn't do what it says it will", I believe were my words.

Between huffs and puffs, I searched for the manual, only to find out I was screaming about not being able to understand it and that was because it was in SPANISH. Ok, so I am about to lose it when my mom points out something very OBVIOUS (when you are running on all cylinders and actually thinking clearly). Well, you can see from the picture that I was not looking at the little symbols, I was reading the words, left to dispense and right to lock. It looked like the words were telling me. Clearly, it says "dispenser lock" but with no sleep the words made sense until my mom said, "Look at the pictures you have it backwards." Oh my, we laughed about that for some time. Not really funny unless you were there! Just thought I'd share my Paris Hilton story!


Amy and Micheal said...

Oh that was just too perfect!!! We laughed so hard, rolling on the floor. In Kim's defense (but worsening my intelligence score) I too, thought the same thing. Apparently our Mom has all the brain cells and Kim and I had to share one. From now on Kim, we can call ourselves Paris and Nicky. :)