Monday, January 14, 2008

The New Testament

Today, January 14, 2008 we finished the New Testament. First, we finished the one that we read to Chloee at night before she goes to bed. The one on the right is hers, you know the watered down version with lots of pictures in it. We have now finished the Doctrine and Covenants and now the New Testament with her.

Josh and I have been reading the New Testament for Latter-Day Saint Families for 1 year now and we finally finished it. It is a big book. The book is the exact same as the scriptures it just has better explanations and extras that give you more insight to what you are reading. It may have taken us a year but we finally did it! We tried to read a chapter a day, sometimes it only ended up being 5 versus but we finally completed it and I must say, it feels good.

As we were reading through the last book of the New Testament, Revelation, I realized how incredibly close the 2nd coming is and how unprepared I am. It was actually quite scary and intimidating thinking about all of the things I need to do do get where I want to be. I felt like I really had a new understanding of Revelation as we read the book with further insight of added documentation mentioned by so many prophets and apostles.

We are now going to start on the Book of Mormon. We are definitely going to keep with the books for the latter-day saint families. That was one of our 2007 New Year goals. We were a little late, but better late than never.


Amy and Micheal said...

That is SO awesome, congrats!!! You guys are such a great example! I saw one of those books in the Deseret Book mailer and thought that looked really neat for our family. I am glad that you guys liked it, for I am someone who always seems to need a little extra explanation. It always takes us twice as long to read scriptures cause I am always interrupting to ask questions!!

Jenny said...

Way to go Kim, what a great accomplishment :) That is something that we need to do better at in this new year, Reading the scriptures as a family!

Heather said...

Nice job! I love those "for families" scriptures, too. The footnotes and pics are awesome! You guys are such a great family.