Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Snow Day

On December 30th, we all slept over at my mom's house to celebrate the new year. I know we did it a day early because Annie and Marcus were going back to California on the 31st. We played outside in the snow, it was Chloee's first time with "Noooow" as she calls it. That is snow for anyone who didn't understand that.

She loved to lay in the sled on her tummy!

Do you like how she is using Kai as her own personal cushion? Kai and Chloee had fun being pulled in the sled together.

She looks so comfortable laying down and giving Kai absolutely NO room for himself.

Cute... what else to say?

Kai and Kennet together. Their mom was taking them down a hill and as you can see, Kai, did not want to go. He was screaming, "Noooo, STOP!!" Notice Kennet isn't even phased.

I loved this picture of Kennet. It is one of those glimpses into his sweet side that he doesn't want you to even know he has.

Chloee actually fell asleep in the sled. Her head was down and she was positively ASLEEP. When the sled would stop moving she would mumble in sleep-talking voice, "More", it was all faint and adorable. Yeah, needless to say, she had a cow when we took her in, screaming the entire time until she zonked out on the bed.

These last two of my sister are so cute. Amy and Kennet cheesing it in the above picture. Here Amy is with her husband, whom we all terribly miss. Micheal joined the Army and left for basic training a week ago tomorrow. This goes out to my sister who is going to be a single mom for the next 4 months. You are amazing, you have shown strength, love, dedication and compassion in the choice you made to support Micheal in his decision to join the Army. I love you to pieces and I will be here for you all the time. You are such a great example of selflessness. Love You!


Amy and Micheal said...

Ah curses! The one day I put on mascara and now it's all smudgy because your post brought tears to my eyes! No, really, thank you for posting those pictures, and for always letting me whine and complain to you! It means a lot to me! I love all the pictures, and I love you too, sistah!!

Heather said...

You are such a sweet sister! And your sister sounds amazing, too. It must be genetic . . . Anyway, I have to tell you, I can't wait to see your photos published in a national publication someday. You are good!