Friday, April 1, 2011

I Love April Fools

This year for April Fool's Day, I got Josh good. I mean, REAL good. As you can see from my pictures above, I decided to fake Josh out and tell him that I was pregnant.

Yes, that is 2 lines on the stick, I am not pregnant. I got my fabulous friend, Diane (who is pregnant) to pee on the test for me, a true friend indeed. Before anyone thinks gross or weird, it's covered in plastic wrap.

I made a little rhyme to go with it, something I would do if I were in fact pregnant. I snuck outside in the middle of the night and put it on the dash of his car so he'd see it when he was going to work.

He did exactly what I said he'd do. He came upstairs at 5:30 in the morning, woke me up and we had the following conversation:

Josh: "Is this for real?"

Me: "Of course it's for real. It has 2 lines doesn't it?"

Josh: "But.... what? Um... how... I mean, um..."

Me: "What?"

Josh: "That's great, we weren't planning on this AT ALL, but that's okay."

Me: "Yeah, April Fools!"

Josh: "I hate you!"

We then proceeded to talk about how I got the 2 lines and I said how extremely shocked I was that he was so good about it. He said that he figured, if I was pregnant that there was no point in being mad or upset, there was nothing he could do about it anyway. True! Even though he didn't throw a fit or start hyperventilating, it still was fun and he did believe me, which was the best part. I got him!


Bob and Marie said...

Hilarious! I would love to see Bob's reaction if I did that. You are brave and funny! Miss you!

Amy and Micheal said...

Ha ha ha! I could not believe it when you showed it to me! I was so curious as to how you got the other line. It didn't even occur to me to have your pregnant friend pee on the stick! What a creative way to make Josh's head spin! I loved hearing your count of how it went down! Good one, sistah! Maybe mom should try that with dad....

thejohnmfamily said...

Oh, this made me laugh. This is such a great idea.