Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Consequences of Being Lazy

This is a ledge in my house where I put a lot of my "no face angels" as I call them. This ledge ends at the stop of my stairs. Yes, it needs to be dusted, I already know that.

I was being particularly lazy sometime last week. I ran upstairs to see what Halle was crying about. I took my jacket off and instead of taking it down the stairs, I just threw it down the stairs to the front room. It barely caught one of my no face angels and this is what happened:

"Oh, no..... no!!! Oh shit!" That was done as I watched it fall, in what felt like slow motion. Then, it hit the tile and shattered. I'm not quite sure why the body is still in one big piece. There were pieces everywhere. Josh comes home and sees it sitting on the counter, picks it up, looks inside and says, "I didn't know these things were made out of bondo. I could make that!" Then he proceeded to walk upstairs.

A classic engineer right there!


Foster Family said...

Steve totally calls them "no face people" -- so all my kids do, too. That's funny. Not funny that it broke :( but funny you call them that.

Amy and Micheal said...

Ah, the precious "creepy faceless angel dolls" as Micheal so lovingly refers. I can't believe that your (lazy) jacket had the perfect trajectory to just knock that right off. You know, when you get to heaven you may need to have a little "chat" with Micheal about just what it was that he was doing on the day and time that your sweet adornment took a head dive and cracked under the pressure. Ok, enough lame late night jokes. PS- Tell Josh to get a move on making something similar so we can all be millionaires and fly around in a private jet just for the hay of it!!