Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Other Camera

I know the title makes it sound like "the other woman". It's almost like I'm cheating on my camera. I got this little guys because I can always have it with me, it fits in my purse and I won't be missing out on fun things we do just because I didn't lug my big, fat camera into the restaurant with me.

The pictures may not be as good as with my other camera but I'm capturing a lot more with this little guy because he's ALWAYS with me. Don't feel bad old camera, at least I took this picture of the new one, using you.


Amy and Micheal said...

Cheater. Your other camera is probably sobbing away in it's case wondering why it doesn't travel anymore while the new one is sticking out it's tongue at it. Ha ha! JK Wow, my jokes are super lame tonight. As if it's any different. Your new 'compact' camera is lovely and it's so nice to be able to store it in your purse and whip it out whenever you need.