Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Josh Turned The Big 30!


This is Josh's sweet cake I made. I decided to do a "construction site" seeing as how he designs bulldozers for John Deere. I thought this little thing up in my head and it actually turned out better than I thought it would.

I was going to put toothpicks all around it with orange caution tape sectioning off the work zone but it was not going well that day. Halle did NOT take a nap.

The pond was complete with the fish jumping in and out of the water.

That is an actual John Deere loader pushing the dirt into that huge pile, down the hill.

The tootsie rolls were originally supposed to be a log cabin but did not turn out so it's just a pile of logs. I know you're probably looking at his going, this is so dumb... but Josh LOVED it!!!

We did "Thirty For Thirty". It took me 2 hours and 6 rolls of wrapping paper to get these all done. They were number coordinated. Yeah, I'm a freak like that.

It took him an hour to open all of the presents but not without help from the girls.

I had to get a picture of myself with the cake. I did spend a while on it, not that you'd know that by looking at it.

We went out and ate at The Brick Oven. We had never been there before but Josh wanted to try it. Not impressed, to say the least. I don't think we'll ever be going back there again. On a totally separate note, Halle kicked Josh in the balls on the way out of the restaurant as he was carrying her. It dropped him to his knees and he had a stomachache for a while afterward. Happy Birthday Dad!

Those scary eyes he's making were at Chloee.

Josh says it was one blow, I get to differ. I heard him suck in and blow again.

My friend, Melissa, stopped by to give Josh a present and I had her take this picture. Kind of a weird angle but hey, it works.

Yeah, that was for later. Oh that picture is hilarious.

Josh is an amazing man. He is patient, kind and loving. He has to be patient, he's married to me. He is my best friend. He can make me smile when I want to tear someone's head off (that does piss me off in the moment). He loves me despite my MANY faults. He is always supportive of me. Josh is a dreamer, but he's making his dreams a reality. He is one of the most thoughtful people I know. He is incredibly smart. He is the best father and husband. He has stood by my side through the thick, thin and ugly times.

Josh is a man of great character. Josh comes from a... let's call it "special" family. It's amazing that he has turned out to be the amazing person he is. There are a lot of things that happened in his life that he could use as excuses but instead, he learned what he never wanted for his life or his family. Sometimes it still makes me cringe to hear stories of when he was a kid and adolescent.

We were supposed to go sky diving but due to some conflicting things we decided against it. Oh well, there's always my 30th birthday. The sky diving thing was my idea anyway.
I'll probably have to push Josh out of the plane.

P.S. Josh, don't you ever forget what I did for you this birthday. You know what I'm talking about. :)
I need this in here for document's sake.


Amy and Micheal said...

Kimberlee, that cake looks AMAZING!!! Seriously, that is the coolest cake of all time! I'm going to start hiring you out to come and do our birthday cakes. I love that you had the John Deere bulldozer that Josh works on on there. I can't even tell you how much I would pay to see you push Josh out of a plane!! That would be priceless. Assuming you'd have to drug to even get him on the plane in the first place. Don't worry, I'll help you carry him. He is pretty old now, being in his 30's and all! Maybe I should have gotten him denture sealer instead. Ha ha! Happy Birthday Josh! We love you!