Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Dentist Day

About a month ago, I took Chloee in for her dentist check-up. To keep this post short, I had never taken her into the dentist before. Bad mom noted. She had 2 root canals and crowns that had to be done and 5 other cavities. We had to reschedule to come back for sedation a few weeks later.

I pretty much cried the rest of the day at what a horrible parent I am. It's not like she didn't brush her teeth and I don't know why I waited until she was almost 5 to take her in. The last 2 years have kind of been a blur.

I had to have her there at 8 am so she could take her "special pill". Josh stayed home that day and took care of Halle. Good thing, I was gone for almost 5 hours. Here she is getting groggy after taking the pill.

After an hour, they took her back, gave her the laughing gas and she was starting to go out. The dentist came in shot her mouth up with some more stuff to put her out, he left came back and she still wasn't out. He had to keep on giving her a higher dose to finally knock her out. I think he shot her mouth up 5 times before she zonked. He couldn't believe how much it took to put her under.

Honestly, I had no idea what they were really doing. I stayed in the room as he worked on her. Yep, those back 2 molars on the bottom got root canals. He completely drilled out the inside of the tooth and had to crown both of the teeth. The infection had started with the furthest back molar and it drilled through to the tooth next to it. There was blood flying everywhere. I started to cry once again at what a bad mom I was that I had let it get this bad. She has 2 molars that are 100% silver. He then filled the other 5 cavities.

She's in the recovery here. At one point while they were working on her, her heart rate started racing, which meant she was going to throw up so they hurried and shot her in the arm with phenergan, an anti-nausea. She also had a shot of robinul before they started to dry up her mouth so she wouldn't choke on her own spit while they were working on her. It was shortly after the robinul shot that her eyes started to roll in the back of her head and she started to shake. That was normal, evidently. Not normal TO ME!

It took her a while to come out of the anesthesia. I had to carry her out. In the car, she unbuckled herself and was screaming. It was a rough day. She couldn't even walk on her own until about 5 pm and her appt was at 8 am.

She had swollen cheeks for a while, to say the least. I don't think the swelling went down for 5 days.

Chloee loves kitties. I don't really like shirts that have things like kitties, Bieber, you name it, on the front but I got her this for being such a big girl. (Notice Chloee's head is tilted to one side)

Immediately after Halle wanted her picture taken and she did it EXACTLY like Sissy!

The girls and their dad. They don't want to leave his sight from the moment he walks in that door from work. They are glued to him like a pack of dogs on a 3 legged cat.

I came up with an idea to help with brushing teeth. We put this up on the mirror in her bathroom and she gets to put a sticker on each time she brushes and flosses in the morning and night. Once it is filled up and if she hasn't missed any, she gets to pick something out of THE PRIZE BUCKET. This very cool prize bucket consists of many things I have bought over time that were on clearance or fun little toys the kids would like. As for now, it has worked like a charm.

After going through that, I WILL keep up on my children's dentist appointments. I don't EVER want to do that again.


Anonymous said...

that stinks about the dentist. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I hope Chloee is feeling much better. Good thing they have medicine now days so we don't have to go through all the pain!

Anonymous said...

Hey- can I get an invite to view your photography blog? Is there a certain reason it is private? Thanks Kimberlee.

Foster Family said...

Okay, so we REALLY need to get together! It was so so good to see you, if even for a minute.
I feel your pain on this one (the dentist). I took it for granted that I just took Matt to the dentist every 6 months and he's never had one problem. Then I had my girls... they have my CRAPPY teeth. Poor Bailey has been through the ringer. Then Rachel had some cavities her last time. One wasn't too bad. The other was a doozy. It went sideways 'cause her teeth are so close together and she is now the proud owner of a lovely silver tooth, too. I have spent many hours crying over their little mouths. Our dentist rocks and kept explaining how much is hereditary, but I still felt like a terrible mom.
Gotta love mom guilt.

Amy and Micheal said...

Poor Chlo Chlo! That little groggy face is so heartbreaking. Hey, at least you got yours in in under 5 years. Kai was 7 before I ever took him and and that's because he HAD to go in because of all the infection in his mouth from his negligent mother who deserves a wonderful award right now. I'm glad it's all done and I'm so proud of Chloee! I need to make some of those charts for the boys. Can I say it's like pulling teeth to get them to brush their teeth?