Monday, June 23, 2008

The Horrible

Chloee and I went to Wal-Mart today. I was just strolling along and she was standing at the end of the cart when I stopped and she went FLYING over the front. It was as though I watched my life in slow motion. I tried to reach my hands out to catch her but being behind the cart and with my short arms, made this impossible. I watched as she flipped over landing right on the top of her head then her neck twisted all funny and then the rest of her body followed the fall. All I could do was scream, and they weren't very good words. Everyone was just staring at me. She laid there without moving for a few seconds and after watching her horrific fall, my heart sank and I had thought I'd lost my sweet girl. As I screamed in the aisle, finally an older woman that worked there came to help me. I just felt like everyone was staring at me like I was crazy. Everything was spinning as the tears came down my face and I tried to comfort my baby. She screamed and screamed, nothing could comfort her. The worker tried to calm us both down. I just couldn't get that image out of my head, it was so horrifying and I couldn't stop trembling. The worker grabbed the store manager and he talked to me. He told me to go see Chloee's pediatrician to make sure she was okay. Then he tried to feel me out as far as if I was going to sue or something. I'm sure he had to do that but I was like, "Yeah, don't worry I'm not going to sue you, it was my daughter who was standing up in the front of the cart." Not that I would have anyway... We live a WAY too sue happy world.

I run out of the store, strap her in and start driving to the dr's office. Chloee keeps trying to fall asleep and she keeps telling me, "Mommy, I tired" as she dozes off. I had remembered that you aren't supposed to let them sleep if they have a concussion so as I'm bawling in the car trying to keep her awake, I just needed someone to CALM me down. My mom doesn't answer, Kathy didn't answer. Why was NO ONE available when I needed them. Then Kathy called me back and calmed me down. THANK YOU KATHY!!!!!

We finally got there and I asked if they could get her in and of course we waited for a little bit, but I sure didn't mind at all! To make this very long story short. She is okay, he just checked everything out and checked her head, eyes, you know the routine. Well, it sure freaked me out. I pretty much couldn't stop crying the rest of the day/night. I think I am all cried out for a while. I actually feel dehydrated. Is is possible to cry SO much that you become dehydrated? Well, if so, if I only accomplished one thing today, it was that!!!

What a crappy day. Way too emotional for me but I am very happy that Chloee is well and I feel very blessed that she didn't have any severe damage!


Stacie Peterson said...

Poor little Chlo!!! I'm glad she is OK- I cannot imagine seeing one of my kids do that.

P.S. Why didn't you call me?

The Johnson's said...

How scary--I'm glad she is okay. Things happen so fast sometimes, especially when we think they would never happen to us. Sorry it was both just take a day off and enjoy each other tomorrow!

Renae Williams said...

I'm glad the little "Clo Clo" is ok, and I'm sorry that I wasn't home when you called. It's always a scary thing to see something like that happen to one of your kids. Relax today and enjoy the moment.

The Over Family said...

Man Kim! That IS horrible! I'm so glad that everything is okay. That must have been awful seeing that happen and having absolutely no control over it. I can't believe how fast accidents can happen. Try to relax today! :) Oh yeah, I think that I have cried so hard before that I have gotten dehydrated. Not fun! :)

Marcus said...

Hi Kim,

Sierra did that too when we were camping. It scared me to death. I'm sorry. Stefan also bailed out of the cart head first. It's good thing they are young and flexible. I think their bodies are made so they can fall and hurt themselves with minimal damage. Take it easy the next couple of days. Those kinds of things drain you.

Love you lots

Jenny said...

Wow! How horrible!! I'm glad nothing happened to her neck or head!! Wow!

The Bowles said...

Oh man...I'm so sorry. I'm really glad to hear she's ok though. I'd be freaked out too!!

Amy and Micheal said...

I am so relieved that Chloee is ok, and that there was no severe damage. I remember totally freaking out when Kai cracked his skull open and Micheal's Mom had to all but slap me across the face to get me to calm down. It's such a scary moment, thinking you may have lost your little one. I am so sorry that you had such a traumatizing day! I hope today is peaceful and that you two get lots of rest!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

How scary!!! I am soo glad that both of you are okay! Yeah, like the first thing on your mind is that you are gonna sue the store! HOW FUNNY!
I loved your other posts of Chloee kissing you and her adorable shirt you bought her for when her daddy came home! :)

Karen said...

Oh Kim. What a trama!!! I'm sure that only the idiot people at Walmart thought you were crazy, I guarantee the rest totally understood. I would have acted the exact same way. There are just too many ways these little kiddos can get can't protect them from everything. Eli fell all the way down the stairs yesterday...the whole way...I pretty much gave him whatever he wanted the rest of the day. ;) said...

How scary! I'm glad to hear she was okay!