Monday, June 30, 2008


Yes, she finally did it. We have had Chloee's little potty for over 2 months now and TODAY she finally, actually did something in it. She sits on it all the time and loves to wipe and wash her hands but has NEVER done anything. Granted most kids' first time around is pee but not Chlo, she went straight for number 2! Sorry if that was too graphic for anyone. I am just so excited I had to write it down in my ever so nice journal here.

We also were eating at Olive Garden tonight and Chloee was in rare form. Shock, I know. She was switching sides, spilling things, food everywhere, her feet on the table when I had finally had it and had a little talk with her after which she hit me. All you parents out there that have been in this situation before KNOW how embarrassing this is in public. Josh took her out and I couldn't believe what he did.

Let me back track. We were at Wal-Mart before and Chloee was being a "nice" girl so we let her pick out a treat. It was a box of Peanut butter Whoppers. Ok, let me back track again. So we have been threatening her with things lately that we can't take away at the time being such as at church on Sunday. "If you don't sit down and be quite, I'm going to throw your play-doh away!" Of course she doesn't obey but by the time we get home, she doesn't remember why we are throwing her play-doh away. Get what I mean by, something we can do right then so that she knows what she did was wrong.

Ok, back to Olive Garden. He took her out to the car and told her that if she wasn't nice he was going to throw her candy away. She just laughed at him like, "You wouldn't dare and that's such an empty threat." He did, he took her whole box of candy and threw the entire thing in the garbage. I guess she started to bawl. She didn't really think he would do it. I'm glad that he did it, hopefully she'll remember that for next time!


Krysta said...

Good for Josh. Way to put your foot down! I bet it especially hurt her feelings and shocked her coming from daddy. My kids get soooo up set when they are disciplined from their "play toy", but never from me! I think they just think "mom flew off the handle again", but when it's from daddy, they don't take it lightly.

Marcus said...

They make peanut butter whoppers. I've got to try those.

Love Annie