Saturday, June 21, 2008

Too Smart!

About a week ago I was getting ready to put Chloee down for her nap but she REALLY wanted to go play outside. SHOCKER! This was our conversation:

Chloee: "Mommy, I want play outside."

Me: "Chloee, you can play outside when you wake up."

Chloee: "Mom, I want to wake up!"

Me: "You are awake."

Chloee: "Ok, now I play outside."

Seriously, did I have that conversation with my just barely 2 year old? She is already manipulating me. I laughed so hard after this conversation, in fact, I still laugh about it all the time to myself. Now she thinks it is HILARIOUS to say all the time. She's a total smarty pants!


Amy and Micheal said...

You'd better watch out for the Chlo, only two years old and already scheming away! What kinds of sneaky plans will she come up with next? Do we want to find out?