Thursday, January 15, 2009

#1 Chef

I know that I have said this before, but my husband is such an amazing cook. He really is and I'm not just saying that because he's my husband. We both love this dish from Olive Garden called, 5 Cheese Ziti Al Forno, although we always substitute the ziti for penne. Josh decided to duplicate it. Some of the cheeses that go in the recipe were either really hard to find or too expensive so he changed a few things. It was so divine. That doesn't even begin to explain it. YUM!!! Here are a few pics of the masterpiece.

The masterpiece maker....
I think he's the world's best chef. You should see him make up recipes as he goes and he just throws whatever in, it's so random but it always turns out incredible. Josh has always said that he'd rather be a professional chef but wouldn't want to do the crazy hours, late nights and every weekend, along with the fact that we'd pretty much have to live somewhere in the East, like NY! Oh well, I guess being a Mechanical Engineer with suffice for now!
I love you sweetie!


The Family said...

I'll have to agree with you on Josh
s cooking. He is a great cook!

Krysta said... mouth is watering right now and it's only breakfast. How can I crave food like that right now!?!

You're lucky to have a husband that loves to cook and is so good at it. How would it be to hand the kitchen over and not have to feel gulity about it?

Emily + Eric said...

That looks so stinking good. You'll have to post some of his recipes, unless they're top secret.

We just watched Eagle Eye last night and thought it was good too!

Amy and Micheal said...

I can totally vouch for that dish! Oh my yumminess, my taste buds were in heaven! I love visiting you guys cause Josh always has some delicious dish he's made in the fridge. Maybe he should start a cooking blog. Thanks Josh for always feeding my ever hungry face!

Bob and Marie said...

I know I've said it before, but I'm so jealous. Bob is really good at a lot of things..but oh it would be HEAVEN if he was a good cook and actually enjoyed it!

Mandy said...

Ok..that looks so good...are you going to post the recipe so we can share???