Thursday, January 8, 2009


I could put a million pictures on this post but I decided to keep it pretty simple. Of course I took more than enough pictures of Christmas morning. I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone. You spend all this time preparing for it and it's over so fast. We had a great time together. I can't believe that this was our 7th Christmas together. Crazy!

That face is just so darn cute. It was so fun to see her run down the stairs to see if Santa came. She was so much more aware of Christmas this year, it just brought everything to life.

This was her favorite present. It was this baby set. I wanted to get her one anyway for when the baby gets here, so that she can do all the same things as me, but with her doll. It came with a stroller, swing, high chair, little carrier and a bunch of other things that I can't remember. She loved it. All day she was swinging Jack Jack (her favorite doll, yes, she named him Jack Jack and yes, it's a girl doll). What a cute little mommy she is.

Josh as happy as pie to get anything cooking related. His entire list was pretty much cooking things that he wanted. This was a new cooking thermometer. His other one broke a long time ago and I can't count how many times he would be cooking and comment on how he wished he had a new thermometer.

Much to my dismay, I decided to put this picture on here of me. I was in no state to be photographed but I had to put this one up of this present. Josh is such a sweetie. Let me explain this present first. Amy and Micheal and the boys all have these Camelbak bottles. Micheal puts these words and different things on them to describe them and then you put packing tape around it. It is the coolest thing ever. Well, Amy made Chloee one for her birthday. One side had Darth Vader and the other was all girlie girl. Naturally, the 2 sides of the Chlo. Josh made me one, it was so adorable. It has things on it like, "Great things come in small packages, Chica, Ber, sweetie, etc.", you get the picture. It was my favorite present. I cried when I opened it. So much thought went into it.

One of Chloee's other presents was this tent. We got it from IKEA back in October. Chloee's friend, Nate, had one and she loved it, so we figured it would be a great Christmas present. She sits in it and watches TV or plays with her dolls.

She rolled around in the tent so much that the static did this to her hair.

On Christmas morning we do a big breakfast. Josh made some of the best french toast you'll ever eat. Of course he got the great recipe out of one of his Cook's Illustrated magazines. When any of you come to visit, you need to have him make this for you. We also had ham, there was so much left over from the night before. It was so yummy!

All in all, we had a great Christmas. We just spent the rest of the day lounging around, watching movies, playing games and enjoying not having to travel anywhere on Christmas day.


Amy and Micheal said...

I love your bottle! It has the cutest little sayings on it. Josh is such a sweetie!

Oh man, that picture of Chloee's hair is so funny, as is the look on her face as well! Kai and Kennet love playing in that tent too.

That french toast looks so delicious! Mmm, my tummy is growling just looking at it. We'll have to enslave Josh to make us some. Time to crack the whip! j/k. But it does look so good!

I love Chloee taking care of Jack Jack. She will be such a great big sister!

Jenny said...

sounds like a great Christmas! Yum, I love french toast :) I like the picture on the side bar of Josh's brothers & sisters :)

Bob and Marie said...

I enjoyed this post. It's always so fun to see how everyone celebrates their holidays. I would love to get to the point where we stay home and enjoy Christmas together as our own little family. It always seems like we are trying so hard to make sure we divide our time equally and we are traveling here and there. I'm glad you had a nice day. The French toast...I just wanted to eat right from the screen. It looks so yummy. I wish someone would cook for me. :) I talked to Amy today and can't believe how close you are getting to the due date!! Wow! I'm so excited for you!

The Family said...

I absolutely love that picture of Chlo's hair, and that typical look on her face is priceless. I need one of those to put on my fridge so I can smile every time I see it.

It looks like you had a great Christmas! You guys are always so very thoughtful on your gifts - both the ones that you give each other, and the ones that you give others!