Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Eve

Josh had been preparing Chloee for quite some time now for the night that Santa would come. They sat down and she told him what to write for her letter to Santa. Santa made it very clear that Egg Nog would be better than milk. Josh also kept telling Chloee that Santa's "pregnant" reindeer needed some sort of vegetable or fruit.

In case you can't read it, it says:
I left these cookies for you & the egg nog too. I hope it makes you feel better. Have a good night! - Love Chloee
P.S. The apples are for your pregnant reindeer. Tell her we hope she feels better.

When Santa would ask her what she wanted, she would always say "cookies". Josh says she figured it was an even trade if she left him cookies, it would only be fair for him to leave her cookies. This is what Santa left out for her. When I was growing up, we always got a box of our favorite cereal... looks like Santa decided to keep that tradition going.

We had such a fun Christmas Eve. We always stay home and do something with just out little family. We started a tradition a few years back to celebrate it Brazilian style. They have this huge feast at midnight. We altered it a little bit and do it at just regular dinner time. We had a spiral ham with this fabulous glaze Josh makes, funeral potatoes (my favorite), homemade rolls, salad, etc. It was so good, we ate the leftovers for DAYS! Yum!

For Chloee's scriptures that night we read about the birth of our Savior. She had made a manger set in nursery so we did a little something with that too. After we put Chloee to bed, Josh and I watched a movie together with only the Christmas lights on in the house. It was a perfect night!


Amy and Micheal said...

That plate for Santa looks absolutely delicious!! I'm glad that the poor pregnant reindeer's nutrition was taken into account as well. That is so cute!

Thanks for sharing some of your yummy dinner with me when I invaded your house. It was SO good!!! I think I need to start asking Santa to fill my stocking like he did hers....cookies!!

At least you guys had a relaxing movie, unlike your Bones experience last week! How crazy was that??!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

SOoo cute! I love reading all about Chloee! She is soo cute! I hope the uh..pregnant reindeer got a healthy snack! hahah

Hope said...

Kimmy, Chloee is so cute! Can you believe in 9 weeks you're going to have another one? I'll be in the area in February so I'll either get to see a new baby or a very pregnant mama, can't wait! Oh, have you thought of a name yet?