Friday, May 23, 2008

MoRe ThAn JuSt A MoViE

Josh and I watched this movie last night. Talk about a total heart-wrencher!!! This movie was so cute and I think that Hilary Swank is an excellent actress. Also, who wouldn't want to watch anything with Gerard Butler in it?

I bawled pretty much through the entire thing. Not only because the movie portrayed all of the emotions so adequately but because it got me thinking about my own life. It really hit me that you just honestly don't know when life may end for you or your spouse. A freak car accident could take the one you love away and I thought "What would the last words have been that I had said?". I'm sure that they would be something I would have regretted. It came a little close to home as she spoke of how she was always so mad at him and would say hurtful things and not let the fight die. I know that's how I am and I hated seeing how much it ripped her apart and how she felt like all she remembered was always being mad at him. I know I would hate myself being that way and I would live in a life of regret.

The movie opened my eyes to a better and more loving wife I could be. I need to let the petty things go and let the jokes (that I'm not in the mood for) roll off my back and be grateful everyday that I DO have Josh in my life. Any moment that can all be taken away from me and when I look back I want to feel as though I didn't waste our time in fights and unspoken moments of anger. I love Josh more than anything, I feel very grateful for how blessed I am to have such an amazing husband. I hope I never have to find out how to get through this life without you, Josh!


Amy and Micheal said...

What a sweet post Kim! That movie made me bawl too. It really does make you think of how precious life is and letting the people you love know just how much you do love them. You and Josh are so great together, and you're a great wife! Sorry I gave you guys such a tearjerker!

Ditto to watching Gerard Butler. You can't not love him!

Heather said...

You are seriously the sweetest wife! I think Josh is lucky to have you. :-) I'll have to put that movie on my "To watch" list . . . but it will have to wait until I'm not already crying every day. I miss SLC so much -- isn't that silly?!

Jenny said...

So when that movie was sitting on the shelf at the store to buy, I picked it up and looked at it. But I must say that Gerard Butler doesn't even look the same w/o his phantom mask and I wonder if it's the mystery that I like when he plays the part of the phantom!!

Sandstone Writings said...

I don't know if I dare see the movie! I told my husband that we are so weepy lately, we could start crying just reading a phone book. I take it back, it does sound like a good movie with an important message.