I remember reading the book "Of Mice and Men" in high school. I distinctly remember the character Lenny. If you do not recall this book or have never read it, Lenny is basically this really big "oaf" is how I'd describe him. Always holding things too tight and accidentally killing them and such.
We were sitting on the front porch when I noticed that Halle was trying to pick up a potato bug. I knew that she would absolutely crush it trying to pick it up. That finger and thumb could crush anything, especially a tiny little bug.
I ran over there and told her no, no as I was saving it from her crushing little fingers. She started to scream and then hit the potato bug out of my hand. He fell on the ground. She looked up at me and without even thinking, she stomped on him with her shoe. She looked at me like, "If you're going to take him away from me, I'll show you. If I can't have him, nobody can. What you won't let me do with my fingers I'll just do with my feet. Dead! Now what are you going to do, Mom?"
Yep, Lenny didn't get to crush it to death with her fingers. She simply demolished it with her foot, leaving him one with the pavement. That girl has a serious attitude. It scares the hell out of me.