Friday, July 9, 2010

Why is it?...

-Why is it when you finally start losing weight, the first thing to go is your boobs?

-Why is it when I drive our car that's a manual, I always want to speed?

-Why is it when you are in a hurry, inevitably you will get stuck somewhere because there is a train going by or there is a wreck?

-Why is it when there is a left turn arrow and it's green, no one is paying attention?

-Why is it that when you find something at Costco, you have to buy it because guaranteed it won't be there the next time you go?

-Why is it that your baby takes long naps for dad but never for you?

-Why is it when you finally find a doctor you like, you move?

-Why is it when you make a doctor's appointment for one of your kids because they're sick, the moment you get them in there, they act like they're fine?

-Why is it that it's summer and my kids are sick?

-Why is it when you pray for patience with your kids, they are ten times worse the next day?

-Why is it that I do photography but can't ever find time to do my own kids' pictures?


Alisa and Paul said...

You are great! I wonder about that stuff too sometimes. Thanks for making me smile with your post. :)

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of those same questions myself :) Hope your kids get feeling better!!

Amy and Micheal said...

You thought of them all. Those are great questions! Although I suppose I could add as well "why is it that when all I want is to dream of Micheal I get nothing but appearance after appearance of stupid boys I went to high school with?" Grrrr!!