Friday, July 16, 2010

Irresponsible and Inconsiderate Parents

I am mad, no, no, I am raging mad. I am one of those parents who don't take their kids around other people when they are sick. It kind of seems like a no-brainer, right? No, not to a lot of parents out there who don't care to have their lives or "plans" inconvenienced by the fact that their child is sick.

If my children are sick, I cancel my plans. If I have a play date planned with someone, I don't bring my child to their house and infect their children with whatever my child has. About 90% of the population DOES NOT share this same courtesy.

My children pick up EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING! If your kid has even the slightest hint of a sickness brewing, my kids get it, inevitably, every time. I can't stand it when people show up to church with sick kids. I can't stand when the nursery is flooded with kids that are sick and your child is always sick a few days later.

I can't stand that parents just don't give a flying rat's ass who their children infect because, "well, my kid already has it so why should I even consider anyone else and their children." It's irresponsible, it's inconsiderate and I'm about to freaking beat the shit out of someone. Yeah, this is uncensored and I don't care!

A few days ago, we had to get together to do some pictures with extended family. Yes, one of the persons brought their child who was running a fever the night before, and was still running the fever that day but denied that. I had even picked him up to move him and he was still hot and sweating. I wanted to scream. Really? Your kid has a fever and you brought him. Let's reschedule. No, no, no.....

Of course, 3 days later, here's my little Halle with a roaring fever. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. I seriously wanted to call this person up and rip them a new one. I am so mad, I am so infuriated. Halle is shaking from the fever, she doesn't feel good and just screams.

I can't stand parents who just don't care about anyone else but themselves. If your kid is sick, leave them home. Don't come around other people, especially other people with kids. Be considerate, be responsible! Evidently, that is just WAY TOO much to ask of people these days.

Melissa Davis, I know you're reading this and agreeing with everything I just said. You're probably the only person who feels the exact same way as I do about this. I just wanted to say thank you for always being so responsible and considerate.


The Johnson's said...

I agree with you 100%--wouldn't you think they would WANT to cancel or reschedule? Sometimes it is nice to cancel a few things and slow down when you have sick kids. Good luck!

Foster Family said...

SO sorry your little gal is sick!! Kimberlee, I could seriously go on and on -- and use pretty naughty language to boot -- agreeing with you on this. When Bailey was 2 months old, we were invited to someone's house for dinner. They seemed to have forgotten their kid was sick. Yah, RSV for my infant. We were ticked! I am so overly cautious with illness that people probably think I'm neurotic. But when someone sneezes 2 miles away and your child gets sick, you become careful. Seriously, some parents should be dragged into the street and shot. :) Sorry. I just get it. I really hope Sweet Halle starts feeling better!

Hope said...

I am germaphobic or however you spell that. I couldn't agree with you more. I HATE it when people bring their kids around when they have been or are sick. Seriously I don't know how many times I've been told that someones kid just has allergies or a reaction to their shots and sure enough 3 days later Ellie comes down with something. Everyone keep your sick kids at home!!!!!

thejohnmfamily said...

Oh Kimberlee, I couldn't agree more (obviously, you know that since I got mentioned by name in your blog--I feel so special!) I have never once taken my kids to nursery, and people can judge me all they want, but after spending all those weeks in the NICU with my kids, it just changes your perspective. Even if my kids are only "sort of sick" from some germ, it very well make someone else's kid extremely sick. I have no idea why people are so inconsiderate--it is my biggest pet peeve in the entire world.

Amy and Micheal said...

I gotta say, just reading everyone's comment practically has me rolling on the floor with their hilarity. Especially Mary! I cannot believe that people are so inconsiderate! They probably just do it to infect other kids so that the other mothers can be just as miserable as they have been the last 3 days! Sheesh! Hole up in your house and don't come out!! Especially when your own children take it and make a completely new and foreign/deadly strain!