Monday, July 12, 2010

My First Art Show

Clinton City had their Heritage days in July. I saw in there that they had an art show. People could bring quilts, photography, crafts, you name it. Josh talked me into putting a couple of my photos in there. I called the lady in charge and she told me all the details and asked me for a name for each of my photos. Off the top of my head I came up with the names and started to cry as I told her.

"Freedom Isn't Free"

"Welcome To Holland"

The first one is pretty self explanatory as you see the American flag draped across Micheal's casket. As you can see, freedom does come at a price and a costly one at that.

The second is because of the poem that goes with this picture. I put up a post previously about it. You can look at it here. It is a reminder that life NEVER goes as planned. That life isn't about going to Italy, although that's where we want to be. No, we are in Holland and we need to learn to love the things about Holland, such as the tulips.

I wasn't able to get very good pictures of it, there were way too many people in there when we went to look at all of the stuff.

When I went to pick up my pictures, the lady in charge talked to me about it. She told me that every person who came through the exhibit commented on my "Freedom Isn't Free" picture. She said almost all who came through cried as they saw that picture and commented on the fact that they felt more patriotic after seeing it. She told many people the story (which I had told her) behind the picture. She told them about how he was an elementary school teacher and how he joined the Army at 30 to defend his country and so forth.

It brought tears to my eyes to hear her say that, not because it's my photo but because it is doing exactly what I wanted it to do. To realize how many people sacrifice for our freedom and to become more patriotic. I'm glad that it touched others, it's not the work of the photographer, it was simply what was being photographed.


Amy and Micheal said...

Beautiful, Kim! I'm so glad you did that and that it touched so many people. They are my favorites. They have so much meaning to me far beyond it all. Thank you, sistah!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures :)

Bob and Marie said...

You are truly talented. I'm so glad you included your photography in the art show. I can never express how grateful I am to have those priceless photos of Micheal. Love you!

Bob and Marie said...
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Renae Williams said...

The photos look so good. They are my favorites also, just as Amy said. They are a priceless reminder of our love for Micheal and his sacrifice for each of us. Thanks for taking the pics and sharing with each of us.