Thursday, April 17, 2008

Am I CrAzY???

Am I crazy? Because I feel crazy... We finally have decided to bite the bullet and get rid of the binki (insert scream here)!

Yes, I know we should have gotten rid of it a long time ago, she is going to be 2 in June, blah, blah, blah! Well, my friend Maren talked me into doing it this weekend. Oh, the drama. I remember her saying how bad it was for her little boy but then come to find out, he had an ear infection and that was what was making him so bad.

Call me attached, in fact I am probably more attached to it than she is. OK, I don't know about that but I feel bad. I feel like I am being mean by taking away something that she loves so much. "Awan my binki" or "Where binki go". I can't handle it. She has become especially attached to it the last little bit. She wants it everywhere when it used to only be at naps and bedtime. When she goes to bed she always has the 3 "B's". Her binki, blanky and baby! I guess we'll see how it goes. Any extra advice would be great. Thanks Maren and Mandy for all your help and ideas!


Amy and Micheal said...

Oh Kim, I hope it goes okay for you guys! We didn't really have that with the boys, but I want you to know that I am here for you, anytime. Even if it's just to call me to scream at something or someone. Seriously. Love you and best wishes!!

Krysta said...

All I can say is "hang in there". She'll get over it and soon enough forget all about it. I think we definately find ourselves more attatched to those things than they do, but she isn't going to get married with her binkie. :) Good luck though, absolute torture for the whole family! Don't give up.

Emily + Eric said...

Ahh the binkie trauma! Paul loved his bink, so we started giving it only at nap and bedtime. We would do the exact same thing in the exact same order each time we layed him down - lay down, give him cookie monster, snuggle the blanket on him, give him his bink, say good-night. After about a week we just cut out the binkie step at naptime! Then, a week after that, cut out the binkie step at nighttime. Just keep everything else exactly the same!
Thanks for the invite! I don't know how she does it, but Chloee gets cuter everyday!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

Been there done that! Here's what we did with Ethan: He was about 16 months old and only wanted it at naps/bedtime. I started not giving him his binkie at naptime for a few days. After that, I went for it! Threw all binkies aways, and didn't go back to them. He did really good! The first night broke my heart!! We put Ethan to bed with his blanket and stuffed animal, then he cried for about 15 minutes! That was it! During that time, Jon and I turned on a movie so I basically would be able to focus on something instead of my poor little guy. The second night he cried for 5 minutes then fell asleep. By the 3rd night he slept for 9 hours and hasn't wanted it since. Even 6 days after that he saw another baby with a binkie and that was a little rough, but he was fine!

Jenny said...

Good Luck!! When Seth was about 3 months old and we tried to stick a binki in his mouth to shush him up at church, he got really mad, so it didn't work long for us! But in taking his bottle away at 14 months, he cried for about 3 days, but then he was over it.

The Over Family said...

Good luck Kim! My friends son just turned 2 and had the exact same problem. My friend didn't know what to do (she felt bad taking it away), but it ended up taking care of itself. One day, they all disappeared and they couldn't find them anywhere. So, they told their son that they were sorry, but that the binki's were all lost. Their son accepted the answer and never asked for the binki again. It worked for them, probably won't work for you...but it's worth a try! :)