Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Random Happenings

BOOK OF MORMON...We just finished Chloee's BOOK OF MORMON. Yea! The only one we have left for her is the Old Testament, before we start over again. We try and read a chapter a night out of her book. Her obsession in this book was seeing "the tree". There was a picture in there of Lehi's dream and she LOVED the glowing tree in the picture, she had to see it EVERY NIGHT!


We went and visited Kathy and Stacie today. I took my sister to the airport at 6 am this morning so we made a visit a little farther south. Unfortunately for us but very fortunate for them, Kathy, Gary, Ty and Rach leave tomorrow for ITALY for 2 weeks so things were CRAZY there! Hope you have fun! Chloee, Chan and Rhyder went for a walk/bike ride together.


Chloee and I visited my family last week while Josh was on business in Canada. Chloee thought it was hilarious to decorate my mom's face with stickers and spare only a few for her own! You look great mom!


Yes, we dare to enter the crazy world of potty training. My mom gave Chloee this adorable book about "Zoe's Potty". She loves to read it and talks about the potty so we decided to go buy her one. As you can see from the first picture that things were good, happy, as the face shows. Only seconds later, the second pictures says it differently. "No potty, off!" she demanded. Oh well, when she is good and ready, she will do it, ON HER TIME. I know it will not work any other way. She's all too strong-willed and stubborn, so until then, it will sit as a reminder and decoration in the bathroom. GO CHLO!!!


Jenny said...

Wow! Potty training time already! I have mixed feelings on that....I have been potty training Seth for 3YEARS NOW!!! Never start your baby at 18 mo!! Way too early. I guess I had heard about too many people having their kids DONE at 18 mo. well NOT boys!!! I hope by Kindergarten (in another year) he will have it down pat and not need me to wipe his butt anymore!!!!
Chloee is so funny, fitting into everything! Kids are so creative! She looks so much older in those pics of her in the drawer!! She is such a cutie!! Love the pics with her and baby Rhyder!
That would be fun for you guys if you and Amy were pregnant at the same time :)
Better go now.

P.S. Canada, Italy, Alaska....it all makes me long for another vacation with my Josh!!

The Over Family said...

You are such an amazing photographer! I really wish that you would open up a business of some kind...I would pay big bucks for your pictures! :) I especially love the pictures of chloee and baby rhyder. The one of their feet is really neat too. Good luck potty training!

Maren said...

I love the potty, but better yet, Chloee's face!! :) She is so cute! Those pics of her and her "baby rhyder" are darling.

I must say those stickers look good on your mom :)! She is such a sport!

Jen Duke said...

Oh Kimberlee, it's so funny to have kids the same age! I've been wondering if I should be starting the whole potty training adventure lately too! I don't even know where to start. A book is a good idea though- I might have to try it.

By the way, you're an AMAZING photographer and I'm not just saying that to be nice. You're seriously very talented.

Amy and Micheal said...

I can't get over how cute she is on that potty! The second face is priceless. And how cute is that picture of her and Rhyder's feet? Sorry you had to get up so early to take me to the airport, but I hope you know how much I appreciate it! I sure will miss you three!