Sunday, April 20, 2008


Chloee's new thing is to say "yeah" to EVERYTHING, excluding anything I ask her to do. You just never know what to believe. Take for example these two recent stories.

I was at Arctic Circle with a friend this week and our kids were adventuring the playground inside. We were minding our own business when a little girl (not mine, shocker) started screaming. The parents went and grabbed her and asked her if someone hurt her. She pointed right in the direction of my child and someone else's was standing next to Chloee. I shouted from the bench, "Chloee, did you hit that little girl?" This was her response, "Yeah". I haul my rear end up there, grab her and take her over to the little girl to apologize. I asked, "Did she hit you?". The little girl looks at me and says, "No, it was that one" and pointed to the other child that had been standing by Chloee. Why, Chloee, Why? Why would you say that you hit someone when you didn't? I just don't get it.

The 2nd story was today when we were riding home from church and Josh was asking Chloee questions to which the answer was always, "Yeah".

Josh: "Chloee, did you have fun in Nursery today?"

Chloee: "Yeah!"

Josh: "Did you get a cookie in Nursery?"

Chloee: "Yeah!"

Josh: "Did you have beer today in Nursery?"

Chloee: "Yeah!!!"

To sum it all up, Chloee will take the fall for you if you beat up another child and the nursery leaders need to stop sharing their therapeutic drinks that help get them through 2 hours of Nursery with 12 toddlers!


Krysta said...

I love the beer question!! Too funny! They do need something after nursery, though. Been there done that :)

The Over Family said...

That's hilarious, Kim! It's great that you have this blog/journal so that you can remember all of these funny stories. Chloee will love it one day! :)

Amy and Micheal said...

Ha ha ha, that was great! Now if Josh would just stop being the one supplying the booze to the nursery..... he he! What a cute little Tootsberry!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

Love all your posts! Chloee is so brave! Ethan wouldn't think twice about going down a water slide!

Love the "YEAH" story! How cute is that! I agree with you on the nursery workers needed some type of drink to survive! hahahah! I have subbed in nursery before and it's chaos!

Jenny said...

Love the story's. Last year they passed a paper around RS to ask for help in the nursery (cause they had SO many little ones), well this year alone there are going to be 4 MORE babies!!

Sandstone Writings said...

I love, love, love this post! When I stopped laughing out loud my husband who was still in bed wondered what the heck was going on. The nursery thing--have also been there done that. So well put!Being in RS now seems tame, almost boring by comparison. Actually they both have a place in my heart. But think I'll stick with Family History for the time being. Speaking of that, you are doing such good work along that line with this blog. Terrific for even generations on down. Keep it up!