Saturday, April 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Josh!!!

Today is my sweet hubby's birthday. He is turning 27! In honor of the birthday boy, here is a list of 27 things you may or may not know about Josh. Thanks Amy for the idea, I totally stole it from your post on Micheal's B-day!

1- Middle name is Dean, which covers him being named after 4 different people.
2- If he is really tired, you cannot chew around him. He can hear every last bite like you are eating in a megaphone in his ear. Thanks Kathy, jk!
3- Talks in a little girl voice to Chloee. If you have been lucky enough to have heard him do it, you know how adorable and funny it is!
4- Hates black shirts on himself.
5- His parents were divorced when he was only 10 years old.
6- Crapped his pants on a news paper route when he was little! So funny, I had to put it in.
7- He served an LDS mission to Sao Paulo Brazil.
8- Speaks Portuguese and Spanish.
9- Has 23 brothers, sisters, step and half, including himself.
10- Was very close to his grandpa Jones, who died while Josh was on his mission.
11- Has eyelashes so long, thick and beautiful, they go all the way up to his eyebrows.
12- Hates fish, seafood, etc.
13- Has an incredibly strong testimony.
14- Played soccer 1 year in high school.
15- Is OBSESSED with airplanes and has been since he was a little boy. We get to hear all the planes from HAFB around here. He always tells us what they are. I don't know how he can tell, they all look the same to me.
16- He works on landing gear for the F-15 at work. LOVES THAT!
17- When he was a kid he wanted to be an F-16 fighter pilot.
18- Had only dated 2 other girls before me. One was for over 2 years though.
19- Loves to cook and is AMAZING at it!
20- Eats ice cream with milk in it.
21- Went on a 21 day church history tour when he graduated from high school.
22- Loves Star Wars and Star Trek! Yes, that's right, my husband is a Trekkie. Not a freak Trekkie though, he didn't dress up like the characters when he saw the movies in the theater.
23- Forgot to get down on his knee when he was proposing to me.
24- Is extremely determined. If he wants to know how to do something, he will work on it non-stop until he knows how to do it! Not joking, will not stop, many late nights!
25- Favorite color is blue.
27- Can't do a cartwheel. Remember Mom and Amy when we were dating! Oh, so funny!

Love you Josh, hope you have a great birthday!


Amy and Micheal said...

Feliz Cumpleanos Josh!! 27, you old man! I would have bought you a wheelchair, but I didn't have a coupon! :) I can't imagine what we would do if you weren't in the family. You are such a perfect fit, we have loved you every minute. Thanks for being so wonderful and for all you, Kim and Chloee do to help us out. We love you and hope you have a wonderful day!!!

Amy and Micheal said...

And also... way cute post Kimberlee!! Love the newspaper route one!

Stacie Peterson said...

Josh you are awesome! Happy Birthday! And by the way EVERYONE should eat milk in their ice cream, its so much better!!!

Renae Williams said...

Happy Birthday Josh! I'd say that you were older than rocks and dirt but then what would that make me? Got to love the newspaper route story, and can relate all too well. Have a great day!

Jenny said...

Love the post! It's fun to get to know "your Josh" better :) Hope it's ok if I "steal" the idea as well for next month :) "my Josh" will be 29, so it may be a bit tricker.....thanks Kim :)

Maren said...

Happy birthday Josh! Wow.. you are old! :) Sorry it is a day late! That is how we work around these parts!

The Family said...

Blue, huh. I love how much you guys put into making each other's birthdays special! So much fun. I must say, I think you look great in black. Also, don't forget that Josh wrestled in high school as well, and I never got to see him. I did see Shaun a couple of times, and I felt like beating up the kid he wrestled with, so maybe it's a good thing I didn't see Josh. Be glad that Josh can't stand crunching only when he's tired...I have issues when I'm wide awake as well! Everyone should a least try ice cream with milk on it. It makes it icey. Happy Birthday Cheeky. I love you more than you'll ever know. You're an awesome son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You make me so proud!!!!!!!!!!! said...

Happy Birthday Josh! You're an awesome guy and I hope you had a great day!