Tuesday, November 18, 2008

8's Tag

I got this tag off Amy's blog, I'm sure it has come from many a people but the list could go on forever.

8 TV shows I love to watch.....

1. The Office
2. The Biggest Loser
3. Bones - haven't been keeping up on this season.
4. Frasier - love to watch the seasons I own.
5. American Idol
6. King of Queens - we catch it whenever we feel like watching it.
7. Everybody Loves Raymond - we catch it whenever we feel like watching it.
8. CSI: Miami - every once in a while.

8 things that happened yesterday.....
1. I once again, had to watch my daughter have a catheter. It takes 3 of them to hold her down for this. Not such a great day for me, lots of crying!
2. Edited MORE photos. I can't do a lot of them because I get headaches at night, so slowly but surely they are getting done.
3. My child did NOT nap. This was especially needed yesterday, for me... and her, after all her screaming.
4. Actually got to bed early, which hasn't happened in a long time, which was about 10:45 pm. I still need to hit the pillow earlier.
5. Wrote in my journal. Something I've lacked in lately.
6. My daughter told me I needed to take a shower because I stunk!
7. I think I definitely cried more than I ever thought my body was capable of doing.
8. This little girl inside me kicked for 2 hours straight and I thought I was going to puke. I swear she NEVER sleeps. Probably just preparing me for when she gets here!

8 Places I love to eat.....
1. Johnny Carino's
2. Olive Garden
3. Philadelphia Sub Shop
4. Nielsen's Frozen Custard & Sandwiches
5. Wendy's (I've been craving their $1 chicken sandwiches)
6. Chili's
7. Rodizio Grill
8. Old Grist Mill

8 things I look forward to.....
1. March 2009, so I can finally meet this little kicker inside me.
2. Thanksgiving - We are doing one with my family & Josh's, it couldn't get better.
3. Christmas - I think Chloee will be such a hoot this year.
4. Our annual overnight trip to Snowbird, thanks to Josh's work!
5. Being done editing pictures for 2008!
6. Micheal coming home for his R&R. I can't wait to see him but I'm sure it's nothing compared to his wife's excitement.
7. Getting Chloee into her big girl bed (cross fingers) with no major problems.
8. Twilight coming out this Friday, although, I'm going to wait till the crowds die down to see it, plus it's sold out for a few days!


The Family said...

Mmmmm. that ice cream looks good! Love to see all of the changes happening around there. Tell Chloee those specs make her look very smart! You didn't gain weight from eating! Remember, it's always the baby. You get to use that for another couple of months! Good to see new pics! Love you guys!

Amy and Micheal said...

Maybe your little girl will be one heck of a soccer player, or just turn Chloee into a human punching bag. I can't wait to see her interact with her little sister! She's such a cutie. I can imagine what Kennet will say when we have another one, "You can take that away now."

Im so sorry about Chloee's catheter. And no, you weren't whining to me in your text, your day was TONS harder than my idiot hormone day. My kids weren't in the hospital having to be strapped down, screaming their lungs out. You're so strong and I'm so proud of you.

We can't wait for March, either. Micheal was so excited when he realized he'll get to meet and hold his new neice when he comes home for R&R!