Saturday, November 8, 2008

Touch Your Heart

My sister-in-law, Stacie, told me about this link to a story on Oprah that she said I should watch. It only takes about 6 minutes of your time but it will touch your heart. It was one of the sweetest, heart warming things I have ever watched. If you have the time, watch it, if you don't have the time, MAKE THE TIME. I promise it will be worth it. It opened my eyes up to a lot of things in my life and she was truly inspired to share this with me on that particular day.

We all take things for granted or feel sorry for ourselves and see the glass as half empty more than the optimistic, half full glass. It's all about your perspective and how you decide to deal with trials that come your way. Here is the link:

Of course, I bawled my eyes out, I'm pregnant but I don't think you even need to have a million hormones running through you to have this touch you. It was such a neat story. There is also a short 20 second or so commercial at the beginning that you have to watch before it starts.

On a different note of something that made me bawl like a little child. Yesterday, I watched the video that Micheal, Amy's husband, sent home to her and the boys from Iraq. Tears from all of us, yes, including Josh. Wow, that about broke my heart to watch him read a book to the boys and talk about them being together again and reminiscing about things they used to do together and hear him get a little choked up. As I've said before, that little family of 4 is amazing! Amy & Micheal never cease to amaze me with their positive outlook!


The Over Family said...

Holy Cow -- that was one of the saddest videos that I have ever seen in my entire life. I was choked up long after I turned the computer off! It made me feel so blessed to have a healthy baby. Thanks for sharing!

Amy and Micheal said...

I am in tears- absolute TEARS!- from that video! How incredibly heart breaking, but how incredibly beautiful that his parents have such hope and faith in the Lord. They were just thankful that they were given the time they had. How grateful I am for all of my blessings. Some days are hard, but I have SO much! Thank you for sharing that, Kim!