Monday, November 24, 2008

An Early Thanksgiving


This year we are celebrating Thanksgiving with Josh's side of the family. His mom always does her own on a separate day when it isn't her year so we decided to adopt the same tradition. Thanks Kathy! We had an early Thanksgiving for my side of the family at our house yesterday!

Josh made gingerbread houses from SCRATCH! He made them for 8 straight hours on Saturday. He also baked pies and I think he went to bed around 3 am. Amy and I couldn't keep our eyes open past 12:30 am so we went to sleep! He's such a sweetie! Thanks for all your hard work, honey!

This is Chloee's... and mine. Notice the black bears guarding the house? A pretty good idea, I thought.

How could you not love Josh's face in this one? Well, truth be told, while everyone was decorating at the beginning, Chloee somehow destroyed our house. I don't know how no one saw her doing it but it definitely happened. When I came back to help her, she had ripped the roof off and one of the sides of the house and was eating the icing (eww, gross) and was also eating the gingerbread. There were multiple holes all over it. Josh re-frosted it and we THOUGHT it was going to be salvageable and fine.

I could not keep my shirt clean all day. First, I got grease on it from the green beans I was frying, then frosting, ham, potatoes, you name it, my tummy was pretty much in EVERYTHING! I'm getting so big. Poor Kennet's head is just level with my stomach and I think I knocked him over about 6 times while he was here!

Now you get to see how our house plummeted to its death. Our house was after all, "structurally impaired" by Chloee. Look at the roof especially...

After it all came crashing down! So sad!

I figured that I'd just throw all my frosting on it and hope that it would somehow come all together again. No such luck. Thanks to Amy for all the fabulous pics. Luckily, she had my camera and was taking pics of everyone as our house started to slide and eventually turned into a big blob of crap... or a white trash gingerbread house! You choose!

Here is Amy's. Of course it looks all perfect, complete with her little white, picket fence in the front! I say she took all the creative genes from the family... and her kids even helped her, why doesn't it look like crap. No offense, Kai and Kennet! You know what I mean!

Mom's lovely house. She does look a little drunk in this pic!

Jordan was SUPER creative here. The word "JORDY" written on the roof. Pretty bare house, if you ask me! Oh well, I'll cut him some slack he had to go home that night and work graveyard, so he was sleeping right before he got up to do his... maybe he was still half asleep!

Matt, finishing his up!

The Williams girls, excluding Annie!

I realized I didn't have one pic of my dad in here. Sorry dad but if you'd participate in the cool activities, you'd be in more pictures, maybe that's why he doesn't.

What did we feed my family? How come everyone looks drunk in at least one photo. Chlo giving Uncle Jordan his kisses bye!

Thanks everyone for bringing what you did, it was a blast! I have been eating pie like there is no tomorrow and I'll just binge again on Thursday. Thanks for coming! Love you all!


Amy and Micheal said...

Jeez, your baby isn't even out of the womb and she's already knockin' Kennet around! Ha ha! That was so funny when you kept running into him.

That was so much fun! I can't tell you how much fun I had, going to the store, playing with the kids, making cheesecake, eating till I was sick! It was such a yummy dinner and thanks to Josh for doing SO much of it! He is such an awesome cook!

I say we do gingerbreads again next year.....wait? will we even be here? Oh well, we can do ours from Alaska and send pics. I LOVE those pics of you watching your white trash gingerbread house fall apart. Classic! I still don't know how we missed Chloee tearing it apart. Oh right, because you were busy pulling Play-Doh out of the carpet that Kennet had smashed in it.... Sorry about that!

So much fun! Thanks for having us over so long. We wish we could have stayed longer!

Krysta said...

How fun!!! I can't wait to do our houses.

Jenny said...

love all the fun pics :) Your belly is so cute. I love the blue color of your shirt :) I don't think I've made a gingerbread (grahm cracker)house since before I got married!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

That's a fantastic idea to have an off day for Thanksgiving that way you spend it with families on all sides!!! GENIUS!!!!
Love the gingerbread house! That's also a tradition of ours to make a family gingerbread home, but we have never embarked on baking the gingerbread part ourselves...after hearing how long it takes...we probably won't ever too! heehe ee!