Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fabulous Friday

It all started when earlier on in the week we decided to go to the Elders Quorum party. They had dance instructors come and teach us some ballroom and swing dance moves. It was so much fun. Because of our 1' height difference, it was a little bit harder for us but nonetheless INCREDIBLY fun to do together. We laughed at each other, slapped each other's hands (OK, just me on that one) and just flat out didn't care what other people thought about us.

Afterwards we had brownies and ice cream. They even had a fun dance party for the kids. Chloee loved this! They sang the Hokey Pokey and that chicken song. It was a nice break and a great Friday night date!

Previously that day, to sum it up, it was one AWFUL day. Josh, being the sweetie that he is, brought me home a rose to cheer me up!

Chlo wanted to hold the flowers too! She thought is was funny to smell them.

Chloee and I also did a spa day and did our toenails and fingernails. She even let me put some of the decorative stickers on her fingernails and she said, "Oh, pretty!!!". It was very cute.


Jenny said...

Kim you look so cute in the pic with your red roses, how sweet!! I love to smell roses....not FAKE ones though :0 I'm never going to live that one down am I? :)

Amy and Micheal said...

Smokin' Mama! You look fabulous in that picture! You look great all the time, even in your favorite sweats. :) I wish that I could have seen you two dance, what a night of entertainment that would have been! Josh is such a cutie. A manly cutie though!

The Johnson's said...

Hey Kimberlee--just something I Chloe wearing the same shirt in this post as the one on the right with the toilet paper all over? I'm so surprised at how much she has grown! You all look great!! It's fun to check your blog every once in awhile to catch up on you guys. Take care!

The Johnson's said...

oops I spelled Chloee wrong! DUH, I KNOW it is with 2 e's just a typo on my part! Sorry Chloee!

Heather said...

You are so gorgeous! How fun to have a night out with your sweetie!