Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Momma Seuss

Every time I look
Chloee wants to read this book

Green Eggs & Ham
and Sam I am

I know it by heart
End, middle & start

Rhyming is my talk now
If I stop, she'll have a cow

I will read it in a house
and I will read it with a mouse

Mad & she will refuse
So, I pull out dear Dr Seuss

As long as it makes her smile
I'll read it anytime for my sweet child

Love You Chloee!


Amy and Micheal said...

That's it, you should start writing children's books! I can be your editor/publicist/agent, we'll make oodles of money, and our families can retire to some great tropical island that we own!!

Jenny said...

Way cute poem Kim :) I know what you mean....I have read it a million times and more to Seth :) But out of all the Dr. Suess, I would have to say that one is my fav!!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

Okay! So that book was getting on my nerves as well! Ethan got it from the library, and I had to re-new it for an extra month so he wouldn't totally flip out! Jon and I would laugh because Ethan would take it everywhere! Here and there, anywhere! He could read that book on a boat, he could even read that book with a goat! He sure did like that Sam I am...and thanks to that annoying book, he did learn how to say the word HAM! hahaha How's that for ryhming! I did that all on my own in a matter of minutes!

Heather said...

How cute!